Samih Damaj


Mobile & Web Developer.

  • Birthday: 30 APR 1993
  • github:
  • Phone: +96171940445
  • City: Barja ,chouf
  • Age: 30
  • Degree: Master
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available


Happy Clients

Projects (web - windows - Mobile : android and ios)

Published Apps

Published Apps


Programming and markup languages.

HTML 90%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 85%
SQL 90%
C# 80%
Java 80%
Dart 90%

Frameworks and libraries.

.Net Core 80%
Flutter 85%
Java Spring MVC 50%
Bootstrap 75%
Jquery 75%

Databases and cloud hosting.

microsoft Sql Server 85%
Oracle 60%
Mongo DB 50%
Firebase 80%
Supabase 80%
Sqlite 90%
Firebase Hosting 90%
Github Pages 90%
Microsoft IIS 90%


Full Stack Web And Mobile Developer.


Samih Damaj

Around 8 years of experience in web and mobile development including Requirements Definition, Design, Development, Code Reviews, Deployment. with a focus on Flutter and JavaScript where I have a lot of experience..

  • Barja, chouf
  • (961) 71 940 445


M1 - computer Sciences

2015 - 2016

Lebanease University Saida

Professional Experience

Full Stack .Net Web Developer

2017 - 2018

ISFAcademy wesbite - Full Stack (frontend using javascript , jquery ,css , bootstrap) and backend using .Net Core

  • Developped in .Net Core 3.1 ,language localization support(english, french, arabic)
  • Web API
  • DashBoard
  • CMS

Full Stack .Net Web Developer

2017 - 2018

ISFAcademy - Building Bookings Web Application

  • Developped in .Net Core 3.1
  • Each reserved building is marked by a green light on the map and marked by a red light if it is not reserved
  • And more features


2022 - 2023

Freelance - Beauty Clinic Deskop System

includes :
  • add and manage users
  • add ,edit and delete product
  • add, edit and delete service
  • add many services for each customer visit(each service needs one or more product from stock)
  • add ,edit and delete Customer
  • Customer profiling
  • Reservations screen with Calendar (daily-monthly)
  • Reports Screen
  • Dashboard(LastYear , Today , This Week ,This Month , This Year)


2023 - present

Freelance - Trapflix(Movies and social media)

includes :
  • Streaming videos
  • Articles
  • Social Media ( add post , like and comment to a post , follow unfollow , chat with friends , manage profile)
  • Apple Store - PlayStore : Trapflix


2023 - present

Freelance - Ultra Pal(delivery app)

includes :
  • 3 types of users ( employee, driver , user)
  • User can add and track the entire package delivery process
  • Check balance - check delivered , stuck , returns and exhanged packages
  • User can create and download an invoice
  • Search for a package by (name , phone , qr code)
  • Upload many packages using excel file
  • Apple Store - PlayStore : Ultra Pal


2022 - present

Freelance - Open sesame exchange

includes :
  • Sudanese Sesame market FOB Base
  • News & Events
  • Crops per country
  • Apple Store - PlayStore : Open Sesame Exchange


Android Application : GPS vehicle Tracker


A 'TRACKER USER MANUAL' installed in the car with a sim card because it works with SMS Or 3G , Developped in java

functions :
  • Positioning and Tracking
  • Triggering Emergency Alarm
  • Movement Alert - Overspeed Alert
  • Mileage statistics
  • turn on - turn off engine

flutter Mobile Pos System

  • Manage Products , add product using qr_code scanner or manualy
  • Sales screen( add product to basket by scanning the qr_code or by adding manualy )
  • print receipt using bluetooth printer
  • Sign in with gmail , backup and restore (google drive cloud storage)
  • Export reports to pdf (Receipts , Daily Sales , Best Selling ,Most Profitable , Low Qty in Store ,Spen /Earn By item , Dashboard)
  • state management : Provider

Complete E-commerce Flutter Mobile with flutter web admin panel (Backend Firebase)

  • Authentication ( Sign up, Sign in, Sign in with gmail or facebook )
  • MVC technology using Getx State management , Repository Design Pattern

Social Flutter Application - Facebook clone

  • Authentication ( Sign up, Sign In) plus email Verification
  • profile settings for each user (Edit profile data , Edit profile and cover image )
  • user can add and delete a post ,can like and comment to a post
  • user can add story for 24 hours
  • chatting feature between users with offline cashing
  • Add friend request , FCM Notifications , FCM Notifications , subscribe unsubscribe to notification channels
  • Backend Firebase

News Flutter Mobile App

  • Get All News from Api by Categroy
  • MVC technology using Getx State management
  • Smart Search Feature , Light and Dark Mode Theme

professional Flutter To Do Events / Tasks

  • Add , archive and delete an event
  • SQFlite database
  • Getx State Management
  • Syncfusion Calendar
  • flutter local notification
  • local notification for each event created
  • Light/Dark Theme

Damaj Tech - Advanced pos system for (restaurant , cafe , market, clothing ....)

  • Manage Users( user , admin)
  • add category with custom color , edit ,delete
  • add, edit and delete product related to a category(import - export)
  • add offers related to one or more items
  • restaurant stock, which includes items like cheese and bread, each sandwich requires ingredients sourced from it.
  • add ,delete addons for each category
  • Tables
  • Daily Sales, print report , download report
  • Shift Screen, print report , download report (ability to check and print old shifts )
  • Dashboard(LastYear , Today , This Week ,This Month , This Year) for top 10 most selling , expenses , sales
  • Profit Report( daily(select any date) , monthly , yearly) + advanced smart search
  • Stock Screen , download stock , import data from excel , advanced smart search by name and barcode
  • Manage Printer(local + network), print barcode labels , Manage -System Info, Manage Currencies , manage store info ,manage theme color , add qr code on invoice
  • Customers (import - export)
  • discount %
  • english , french , arabic
  • Backup / Restore


  • English (Professional Working Proficiency)
  • Arabic (Native or Bilingual Proficiency)


i'd love to hear from u.


Barja, Chouf


+961 71940445

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